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How to install AI APS?You can download and install AI APS from official website and telegram channel.
What devices do AI APS support?To dateт AI APS works on all Android smartphones with Android version 8.0+ iOS app is in developing.
Which pumps do AI APS support?AI APS with Medtronic pumps: 522, 515 ,715, 722 и Accu-Chek Spirit Combo pump.
Which glucose sources do AI APS support?AI APS receives glucose data from xDrip app or Nightscout.
Is it possible to use AI APS with other systems at the same time?No. To use AI APS you have to stop or delete any other APS systems and pump connections (such as Android APS, Open APS, Ruffy etc.)
Can I use AI APS for my kids?No. AI APS software is in clinical trials phase now. It is strongly prohibited to use AI APS by anyone under 18 y.o.
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